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Top 10 Text Messaging Practices

Check out this article for tips, tricks, and strategies to up your text-messaging game.

Written by Amanda Moya
Updated over a year ago
  1. OPT-OUTS: Include "Reply STOP to opt-out" in every single message or any version of the opt-out copy.

  2. GET OPT-INS: Make sure your OPT-IN process includes that they will be receiving messages from you. If people are not aware of this when you are collecting contact information. This will most likely lead to more opt-outs and even a possible violation of TCPA.

  3. BE CONVERSATIONAL: Pretend you are texting a friend and personalize the message. Having personable conversations with your contacts will go a long way for your business.

  4. DON'T BE A SPAMMER: Write texts as if you are going to receive them yourself. Don't write something that you would not want in your inbox. I.E avoid sounding spammy, no ALL CAPS words, no overuse of exclamations or emojis.

  5. MORE IS NOT ALWAYS MERRIER: Keep it short. Some carriers and phones split up messages at 160 characters (US cellular is one). So if you are concerned about spacing make sure you have 155 to allow a margin of error. Pro tip: this will help you save money too.

  6. USE HUMOR IN YOUR TEXTS: Feel free to send memes, gifs, images- these have a higher probability of people engaging with your message. However, make sure they are relevant to the message or promotion you are trying to convey.

  7. TARGET SPECIFIC AUDIENCES: Understand and segment your audience to make sure the messages hit home. If you have two distinct lists make sure you are adjusting the copy to fit your demographics. For example, if you have a list of VIP customers. You can probably be more aggressive with the sales you push to them as opposed to your ALL list or the average consumer.

  8. FREQUENCY OF TEXTS: Don't message your customers too often! This is especially when important when talking about Waves. Finding the right frequency is key to maximizing return on investment and minimizing opt-outs.

  9. WELCOME MESSAGES: Set up an automatic message to welcome customers to your text list. This will help customers understand what to expect from your messaging campaigns moving forward. This can be done under the Flows section in Respond Flow.

  10. COMPLIANCE: Make sure you are informed on TCPA and how this may affect your ability to message customers. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act is a set of rules and regulations governing Telecom/Telemarketing. Please read our article on TCPA to learn more.


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