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How do I segment a list for Volt Messaging?

Want to target certain customers? Here's how!

Michael Bergmeyer avatar
Written by Michael Bergmeyer
Updated over a year ago

Segmenting a list refers to when a bigger collection of contacts is broken up into more focused, smaller subgroups depending on predetermined criteria. Segmenting a list for Volt Messaging consists of using keywords or contact field to find specific customers that you want to target.

Segment using Contact Field

First, you'll navigate to the Contact page from the main dashboard in Messaging.

Then you will select the list you want to pull contacts from under Lists. Then click 'Add Filter' under Contact Manager.

Here you want to put the fields that will help you locate the customer base you want to message. In this example I used Location - that the contact needs to Match exactly the keyword - and the query of Alaska. This should populate customers that are only in Alaska.

To add these customers to a list, click Create List From Filters. This will pop-up Create New List box. Name your list and then click Create New List.

You then will be able to target that list!

Segment using Keywords

On the Messaging tool bar, click Flows and then Create New Flow.

First, you will name your Flow and if you like, give it a brief description. Under 'Step 1', you will select Received Keyword for 'when this happens'. You will then select the list of contacts you want to segment from. In Keywords, put the word or words a contact will have to reply with to be added to the list. You will then choose what will happen as a result. Select Copy to List and then add the list you want the contacts to be added to. You'll then click Create Flow.

For example, if a contact replies to my message with 'Yes', they will automatically be added to my New Leads list!

Using segmenting you can use targeted messaging to reach your client base more effectively!

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